Q&A - Filip Kurek

Our latest Q&A is with control systems engineer Filip Kurek who talks inspirational quotes, daily walks and his high school love!

In our latest Q&A, we meet control systems engineer Filip Kurek, who reveals a famous motor company founder provides his inspiration!  

What’s your role at DPS Group?
Control System Engineer - the nature of my role ensures that every day is different. I work with a wide range of machines providing integrated solutions to our customers.

What do you enjoy about working with DPS Group?
For me, it is a variety of projects and challenges they present - it's a perfect opportunity to learn and develop. Additionally, working with colleagues with a vast experience provides a great source of knowledge and inspiration.

What’s been your biggest success to date?
At work, it would be the recent delivery of a control system for product handling at biscuit factory, which you'll be able to read more about in one of our case studies, that's coming soon. At home that’s easy: getting married to my high school sweetheart!

How do you pass the time away from work?
I'm trying to go for daily walks in the country side with my wife. On the weekends, when weather allows, I like to head to mountains and enjoy great Scottish downhill tracks on my bike.

If you could have given your younger self one piece of advice what would it have been?
It would be one of Henry Ford's quotes: "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."

For future clients considering working with DPS Group in 2017 what would you say?
I think DPS Group is quite unique when it comes to providing service to customers: we have a wide range of skills available, a great understanding of various industries and an approach of working with rather than for customers, enables us to provide robust solutions no matter how small or big the challenge is.