New Versatile Air Preparation Range

The 652 Series complies with ISO 8573.1:2010 and ISO 2500 air purity classification.

DPS Group are pleased to be able to introduce a new ASCO Numatics 652 Series: an Air Preparation Range designed for use on Machine Automation & Process Industry Applications, plus any other application where you need to control pneumatic air.

The new range offers one of the highest flow rates on the market, a compact design and a highly versatile product range. Unlike many other Air Preparation ranges, the 652 Series is available with a flat integrated gauge, making it easier to read, simpler to install, and saving you space and time.

The 652 Series complies with ISO 8573.1:2010 and ISO 2500 air purity classification.

With comprising filters, regulators, lubricators, filter-regulators, gauges and a range of operating valves, it’s a highly competitive and versatile range which complements the existing range of ASCO Numatics Air Preparation products, along with the Full Stainless Steel 342 Series, the small 105 Series, and the Delta filter line.

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